Following the events that unfolded in Kill ‘Em All (2017), the sequel will see Following the events that unfolded in Kill ‘Em All (2017), the sequel will see Phillip (Van Damme) and Suzanne retired from the spy game, living peacefully off the grid. That’s until their whereabout are discovered by Vlad the vengeful brother of their target from the first film.详情
主演:黛西·埃德加-琼斯,格伦·鲍威尔,安东尼·拉莫斯,布兰登·佩利亚,毛拉·蒂尔内,萨莎·莱恩,大卫·科伦斯韦,达利尔·麦克科马克,琪兰·席普卡,尼克·多达尼,凯蒂·M·奥布莱恩,哈利·海顿-佩顿,斯蒂芬·欧阳,滕德·艾德比佩,曼尼·古普塔,大卫·博恩,Jobie James,Brian Winslow,萨曼莎·艾尔兰,David C Tam